Our first community weeding event held on Sunday 8 September was a huge success.  20 volunteers worked for a period of 3 1/2 hours clearing weeds along the paper road and at the bottom of the concrete driveway.  After lunch 5 volunteers continued weeding, eco-sourcing and planting for another 1.5 hours.
Many thanks to members of the Forest and Bird Coastal Care group, Neil Sutherland, Sheryl Corbett, Grant Sneddon, Tracey Paton, Katrina Hunter, Maggie Isaac, Laurel Breen, Brian Breen and Paul Williams who made a huge impact on a dense area of ginger along the paper road and filled 2 1/2 large black weed bags with ginger roots.
Thanks also to Arthur and Trish Gundy who organised a delicious spit roast lunch and to LHVS volunteers Richard Taylor, Chris Erikson, Sue Gibbings, Margaret and Alan Scott, Linda and Alan Lee and Pete Watkinson who assisted with weeding; in particular removing turnips from the bank alongside the concrete driveway and replacing them with native plants.  (Turnip seeds were inadvertently sewn by a contractor instead of grass seed).
We hope to hold a similar event before the end of the year.