After heavy rainful the night before, we were uncertain whether the planting day on Arthur and Trish Gundy’s place would go ahead. However the skies cleared and we had the most successful planting days to date. Over 800 wetland plants were planted in 3 1/2 hours thanks to 28 volunteers including local residents and the Gundy’s family members. After lunch a few enthusiastic members spent 30 minutes weeding Julie Turner’s fenced wetland area where kikuya was threatening to smother a number of the plants. Unfortunately, the cows have been rubbing against the fence and it has developed rather a lean. The cows have also been feasting on plants bordering the fence. What were once healthy cabbage trees now look more like the tops of pineapples! There is a high risk of the fence falling over if this continues and we might have to consider installing an electric fence.
A big thanks to Arthur and Trish for hosting such a successful planting day and for providing a delicious BBQ lunch.
Thanks also to the Auckland Council who funded the 800 plants.