It has been some time since this site has been updated.
An intensive weeding effort took place on 28 March and 29 March 2013 (5 hours in total) to eradicate an established growth of moth plant on Mt Pleasant Drive. The pods were removed and bagged and the area sprayed. Follow-up management will be required.
There have been fewer formal weeding/planting days since Easter due to study and family commitments until a week ago.
Monday 15 July – Trish and I weeded at the top of the catchment area for 2 1/2 hours, split carex and replanted along the stream.
Wednesday 17 July – Trish, Anita, Anita’s friend Charlotte and I weeded for 3 hours and planted seedlings grown by Arthur. The girls scaled the waterfall and removed tradescantia.
Thursday, 18 July – I met with an Auckland Council representative to discuss the major weed problem along the paper road at the bottom of Tenetahi Rd. From 2.30 – 4.00pm Trish, Anita, Charlotte and I cleared weeds on the Dingle’s wetland area and removed all but one of the weed bags. From 2.30 – 4.00pm, we continued planting at the top of the valley.
Friday, 19 July Trish and I couldn’t resist spending another two hours in the valley, splitting carex and clearing a pathway towards the waterfall.
All in all a very productive four days.
We located some rather large centipedes in the valley.