We were very fortunate to have the support of Kerryn Johnson and her pest detection dog Pip for 3 full days in May. Kerryn helped to rearrange several of our trap lines. Our aim is to more aggressively target stoats and we have redeployed some of our DoC traps on the borders of the bush and added modified Victor stoat traps. Having said that, weasel numbers appear to be high at present, suggesting there aren’t many stoats around. We certainly had more luck catching them in the early stages of the project. We have caught 10 weasels in a month and possibly more in the AT220’s.
We heard that Forest Bridge Trust have been catching quite a few stoats in the surrounding area. Stoats have a large home range, so this is also great news for Leigh.
Our volunteers Chris and Keith have now recharged all the AT220’s and topped them up with bait so they should be ok for another 3 months.