A few small, impromptu community working bees have been held in recent weeks, during the brief periods of fine weather. On Monday, 9 October James Ross planted over 50 native plants at the bottom of the cliff near the Leigh wharf. Some weeding was also carried out including cutting down a few of the larger bone seed plants.

On Sunday, 22 October, Richard Henty from STAMP revisited the slopes above the harbour and carried out follow-up mothplant control. Richard’s and Chris Wadsworth’s efforts have made a huge difference to this area, and we expect to see less mothplant flowering during the summer months. We plan to employ an abseiler within the next few weeks to get rid of the pest plants from the higher slopes including a huge number of mothplant seedlings.
While carrying out weeding on the Leigh foreshore later that morning, I came across Cayan Streatfield from Cornwall who arrived on a bike carrying a pick fork and said ‘Hi, I’m Cayan and I’m here to help you!’ Little did he know what he was letting himself in for! Cayan is in New Zealand for the next year and plans to work as a WWOOFer around the country. He has proved to be very hard working and reliable and we have already lined up some other jobs for him.