‘For over 200 hours, a team of devoted volunteers has been waging war in Jasmine Valley; that stretch of paper road beyond Tenetahi Road which leads to Leigh Cove, so beloved by all discerning locals.
Who could have known when this English immigrant was brought to our shores with its intoxicating scent and exquisite little white flowers that it would turn into a rampant mass murderer, climbing up and strangling our magnificent natives. Although great in size,
our trees are no match for the stealthy ways of this invader which calls in reserves of blue morning glory, Japanese Honeysuckle, and moth plant to try and wipe out the rightful inhabitants of our New Zealand bush.
Jo Evans, Sue Gibbings and our other volunteers have managed to defeat these invaders in some battlefields which shows that victory is possible and sustainable with careful management. Where the
enemy has fallen, there is a noticeable demarcation zone and our trees are rising again from near death.
There really is great enthusiasm down in the cove at the moment as victory is within reach.
If you are in the area, do listen for the sound of secateurs snipping the strangling vines, Niwashis slashing the nodes and the trees sighing with gratitude at the valiant efforts made on their behalf.’