Weed Clearing ‘Holiday’

Thanks to our volunteers Trish Gundy, Margaret Scott, Ian Paine, Keith Paine, Alexander Paine, Niklas Erikson and Felix Schmidt who helped with weeding and planting over a three day period – Wednesday 19/10/11 to Friday 21/10/11.

Good progress was made in the valley.¬† Although at times the tasks seem quite daunting, particularly when we are faced with new, major weed problems, we are inspired to continue by the successful outcome of planting of the wetland area the the bottom of the valley.¬† With ongoing maintenance over a 4 year period, the trees are looking very healthy. Now that the weather is warmer and the Rugby World cup has come to an end, we hope to have a better turn-out at future planting days … fingers crossed!!¬† Thanks to Sue and John Haigh and the Harrisons for their efforts in maintaining the bottom of Mt Pleasant Drive.¬† This area is special to me as it some of it was planted by my parents Selwyn and Frances Paine.