
Sunday 26 October

It seems to be a matter of one step forward and two backwards when it comes to clearing this nasty weed.¬† We revisited areas where we had previously cleared tradescantia to find that it was at least ankle deep over the top of the weed mat we had put in place.¬† Nik and I made an early start and spent 5 hours working on the Harvey’s wetland area.¬† We were joined by Richard Taylor who helped Nik to empty out one of the weed bags which was full of great compost.¬† With Richard’s help we filled about 6 garden rubbish bags and plan to purchase more large weed bags which can remain in situ.¬† Richard Taylor spotted a large centrepede under one of the weed bags which was cradling some eggs.¬† By the time I had my camera ready it had let go of the eggs and retreated into a hole.

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Sunday 2 November

Spent 4 hours spraying pampas and clearing Japanese honeysuckle covering trees at the bottom of Mt Pleasant Drive.