Queen of the Night threatening the bush

Thanks to Jo Evans, another plant has been identified as being a real threat to the bush. ¬†The Biosecurity Services representatives identified the plant as Queen of the Night. ¬†Jo has noticed it is spreading fast and¬†spent the whole of Sunday 16 December working on clearing this plant from the uphill side of the path at the bottom of Tenetahi Rd. ¬†He said he will tackle the other side shortly. ¬†Jo ¬†found the following on Wikipedia…..
“In Auckland New Zealand, it has been reported as a seriously invasive weed to the Auckland Regional Council and is under investigation. NS Forest and Bird is compiling an inventory of wild cestrum sites in order to place the plant on the banned list. The inventory can be viewed via Google Maps. Some nurseries still sell it without warning customers of the dangers to native bush reserves. It has been reported that the plant has been removed from some old folks’ homes due to the strong scent causing difficulties for the residents.”

Thanks, Jo, for your dedication to our project.