We are finally making progress in the valley.  A total of 32 hours involving 6 volunteers was spent weeding the wetland area on the Dingle’s property from late January to early February.  Thanks to Keith and Alexander Paine, Ian Paine, Margaret Young and James Young for all their efforts.   Thanks also to Ian Paine for donating 6 rolls of weed mat and pegs.  7 society members including Sue Haigh, Sue Gibbings, Jo Evans, Richard Taylor, Pete Watkinson and Niklas Erikson headed down to the valley after the AGM on Sunday 12 February where 2 hours were spent positioning the weedmat over the tradescantia and weeding alongside the stream, as well as placing cardboard around the trees.  It certainly is a lot easier when you have a team approach!   Note the progress since the first photograph of Margaret Scott, Ian, Niklas and Alexander was taken working in the area in October.  The second photograph taken on 12/2/12 was taken from the other direction. I must remember to photograph from the same position!