Friday 6/4/12 – Spent several hours with brother Keith dividing and replanting sedges and flaxes on the Dingle’s wetland area.¬† In the afternoon released plants from the kikuyu on Sir Duncan McMullin’s property.
Saturday 7/4/12 – Glorious weather for our 2nd working bee of the year and a great turn-out which was extremely heartening.¬† Thanks to all our volunteers Jo Evans, John Haigh, Rupert Harrison, Keith Paine, Alistair and Margaret Scott, Neil Sutherland, Richard Taylor,¬† Troy and Kristin,¬† Pete Watkinson and Anita Erikson (the official photographer).¬† Further progress was made.¬† Tradescantia was rolled, weed mat positioned and about 50 eco-sourced wetland plants¬† planted.¬† The plan is to place as much tradesantia as possible in large black polythene bags.
In the afternoon Keith and I headed down to the valley again to split up and replant some more sedges.
Sunday 8/4/12 – Another beautiful day.¬† Spent more time spot spraying and weeding on Sir Duncan McMullin’s property in preparation for the next Trees for Survival volunteer day.¬† The afternoon was spent carrying out further weeding on our property.¬† Chris plans to re-build the steps which were destroyed in the last major slips.
Monday 9/4/12 – Further weeding and spraying on Sir Duncan McMullin’s property.¬† While the progress report might sound a bit repetitive, the photographs show we are winning the war on weeds.