Community Weeding/Planting Day

We had a good turn-out for the Community planting day held on 11 April.¬† 16 volunteers assisted with clearing weeds, including deadly nightshade, tobacco plant, ginger, moth plant, jasmine, honeysuckle and tradescantia in the wetland area behind the brown cottage and along the coastal walkway.¬† Manuka, kanuka and pratia angulata, funded by Auckland Council’s Community Education Fund, were later planted.¬† We had planned to spray the area prior to planting but ran out of time.¬† Much to our delight, a significant number of native seedlings were discovered under the weeds, confirming the importance of hand weeding once native plants become more established.

Pratia angulata was chosen as a ground cover to replace Tradescantia.  Poroporo has also been recommended.

Arthur and Trish Gundy prepared a delicious spit roast lunch which was enjoyed by everyone.

