Planned Volunteer Days

BNZ staff help clear weedsIf you would like to participate in a volunteer day, please send us a message using our Contact Form and we will notify you of forthcoming events.




Working Bee Feast June 14Working Bee Feast June 14th

20150531_14430920150531_141228Working Bee Feast June 14
Auckland Council - Does your environmental project need funding?

One Reply to “Planned Volunteer Days”

  1. We had an unforgettable experience volunteering for the Leigh project! Kathryn made us an incredible feast of homemade food, and made us feel right at home with her hospitality. Chris was full of jokes and entertaining stories about his crazy travels. He also even taught us how to make homemade pizza in a real brick oven! Along with all that fun, we managed to fit some restoration work in there! I enjoyed hearing about the history of Leigh and I feel I learned a lot about New Zealand plants. The working bee was one of my favorite weekends I’ve spent in New Zealand since I came here on academic exchange. It was a real treat! A true kiwi experience.

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