Down in the Valley

Unfortunately our first planned weeding/planting day had to be cancelled due to cyclone Pam.  On 29 March we continued work on the Gundy’s property; clearing weeds on the borders of the stream.  Thanks to our volunteers Jo and Sue Evans, Richard Taylor, Arthur and Trish Gundy and John Harvey 3.5 hours were spent clearing areas which had previously been worked on.    Clearing Tradescantia does appear to be a rather sole-destroying task but we are determined to win the battle!

We have a contest underway.  Jo Evans has managed to catch 3 more stoats in the past two weeks; almost matching our count for the whole year.

More traps have been purchased and with the help of Ditch, from Coastal Pest Solutions, we plan to set up a stoat line which will be monitored regularly.

4 hours were spent clearing cotoneaster as well as other weeds and spraying periwinkle on the Carlyon’s property in preparation for planting this area at the end of May.