Our second community working bee for the year was held on 2 May. 7
volunteers spent three hours clearing weeds along the bottom of
Tenetahi Rd. This area was cleared by contractors and a team of
volunteers in 2013 but no major follow-up weeding has taken place
since then.
Jasmine, ivy, blue morning glory, moth plant and passionfruit vine are
just some of the weeds strangling this area of native bush. Clearing
these weeds is a massive undertaking.
The Society has been employing Stefan Spreitzenbarth to work on the
foreshore and he has been doing a fabulous job. Jo Evans and Sue
Gibbings have spent many volunteer hours in this area of bush,
including carrying out regular trapping.
Thanks to our volunteers including Liz Jones, Neil Sutherland, Jo
Evans, Richard Taylor, Niklas Erikson and Chris Erikson. A big thank
you also to Jo Evans taking away a load of weeds in his ute.